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Pop Smoke: Impact and Enduring Legacy


Pop Smoke, born Bashar Barakah Jackson on July 20, 1999, was an American rapper who made a significant impact on ...

Hip-Hop in Brazil: Exploring the Vibrant Cultural Movement


Hip-hop has long been a global phenomenon, dating back to the 1970s in the United States. As the genre spread ...

Colorado rappers and hip-hop groups


When we think of hip-hop, cities like New York, Atlanta, and Los Angeles often come to mind. However, the Mile ...

Arizona rappers and hip-hop groups


Arizona may not be the first place that comes to mind when you think of hip-hop, but the Grand Canyon ...

Hip-Hop in Canada


Hip-hop music has been a prominent cultural force in Canada since the early 1980s. Over the past few decades, the ...

Hip-Hop in Morocco


Hip-hop is a genre of music that has taken the world by storm, and Morocco is no exception. The country ...

Hip Hop and Rap in the Netherlands

Hip Hop and Rap in the Netherlands: The Dutch Scene


Hip-hop and rap music have found a unique home in the Netherlands, where Dutch artists have crafted a vibrant and ...

Street Gangs in New York


Hip-hop culture has deep roots in the streets of New York City, particularly the Bronx, where it emerged as a ...

Hip-Hop in Sudan: A Growing Movement in the Face of Adversity


Hip-hop has been a cultural phenomenon for decades, influencing music, fashion, and art across the globe. Sudan, a country in ...

Hip-Hop in Uganda


Hip-hop music has been a global phenomenon for decades, and Uganda is no exception. The country has a thriving hip-hop ...